improving students’ EnGLISH achivement AT 2nd Grade 
OF SMP islam besuki through proyector as media of teaching





Table of Content …………………………………………………………………     i
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………..    1
1.1         Background of study ……………………………………………………….    1
1.2         Statement of the problem ………………………………………………….     4
1.3         Purpose of the study …………………………………………………………  4
1.4         Scope and Limitation of Study …………………………………………….    5
1.5         Definition of key terms ……………………………………………………     5
2.1         Media Education/learning ………………………………………………….    6
2.1.1   Defination of Media Education/learning ………………………………….     6
2.1.2   Kinds of Medium Education/Learning ……………………….……………    8
A.      LKS media (students work sheet) ……………………………………     11
B.       LCD proyector media  ………………………………..………………     12
3.1         Research Design ………………………………………………….……….     15
3.2         Setting and Subject of The Study ………………………….………..…….     17
3.3         Research Procedure …………………………………….….……………...     17
3.3.1   Research Preparation …………………………………….….…………….     17       Preliminary study …………………………………..……………………    17       Criteria of success …………………………………….………………….   18
3.3.2   Research Implementation …………………………………….….………..     18       Planning ……………………………………………………..…………     18     Preparing teaching procedure …………………………….…………..     19     Designing Lesson Plan  ………………………………….……………     20           Implementation …………………………………………….…………     20           Observation  ………………………………………….……………….     20     Observation Checklist  ………………………………..…….………...     21     Field notes …………………………………………….……………...     21     Questionnaire Sheet  ……………………………..….………………..     21     Test of english skill  …………………………….…………………….     21           Reflection  …………………………………….…..………………….     22
REFERENCE …………………………………………….………………………    23


This introductory chapter presents about: (1) background of the study, (2) statement of the problem, (3) objectives of the study, (4) scope and limitation of the study, (5) significance of the study, and (6) definition of the key terms

1.1    Background of Study
Education and teaching are enough complicated problems which many factors influence, one of the factors is teacher. Teacher is component teaching who handeling the impotent one of teaching learning because the successful of learning process is very decided by teacher factors. The teacher obligation is to transferring the learning materials to the student by interactive communication in teaching learning process that done. The successful of teacher based on fluent communication between teacher and student in transferring the materials.
In fact, education is comunication because in education process found communicator, communicant, and message, is for communication componence, Munadi 2010. So the process teaching and learning is one of communication process both the teacher and the student, the communication process is realized by conveying or informing and sending information each others, in order that messages and information could be delivered and understood easily by the students, So needed tools or means of communication. The tools or means of communication was used to fluency the communication called media education/learning in teaching-learning process.
Media education implies breadth of teaching and learning, so media education/ learning is one of important parts in teaching-learning process, it can be filled message that can be conveyed to the student, it can be tools or means of learning. The message learning can be more inspired without making misunderstanding between the teacher and the student. On the other hand, the media education is one of way that can motivate and stimulate the student’s study as Asnawir said that media is something that can transfer message and stimulate mind and audience’s interest in order to be able to motivate being education process, so the researcher concludes that the media education/ learning use is important in teaching-learning process.
Based on Asnawir and Basyiruddin Ustman said in their Media Learning that in teaching-learning process, using media could increase the student motivation and stimulation. So media learning is important to motivate student in learning process and help teacher in teaching process. In addition, not motivating student only but also can help to improve the students’ achivement as Yudhi Munadi 2010, said that media or tools use, realized that many education practice help so much the learning activity process outside or inside class, focused on helping to improve the students’ achivement. It would be successfully in teaching-learning process.
In teaching-learning process teacher as fasitator in transfering materies to the student but teacher, need many tools or media education/learning, to make the teacher easyly transfers the materies, and student can delivere what the teacher gived.
English media education/learning can be applied to stimulate students’ study and teaching-learning interaction. Therefore, it must be wachted the principles of application. The media education/learning use must be usefull especially for students and teacher, because each other’s will find new knowledge.
English has been done in very schools, included in SMP Islam Besuki. Teaching English can be said successful if found three aspects; cognitive, effective, and psicomotoric. In teaching English found a process, it called teaching-learning process. So using media in delivering English materies is needed. The English teacher should be able to select and apply the media education/learning which is suitable with the porpuse wants, in order that the students can get the great achivement.
The Computer or proyector is one of media education/learning that selected by researcher. The researcher belieave that proyector as media can improve students’ achievement because using media in teaching-learning process could motivate and stimulate students to study, Asnawir 2002 said. Therefore, the proyector is new one at SMP Islam Besukiii, the researcher proufs that is effective for teaching-learning process. By pojector, the student will motivate and stimulate, the student will feel interested in and enjoy learning English. It will improve or increase the students’ English achievement.
Based on the reason above, the writer wants to conduct this study about “Improving Students’ Englisnh Achivement at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through Proyector as Media of Teaching”

1.2    Statement of the problem
Based on he background of the study above, it can conclude that the statements of the problems is:
1.      How to improve students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching?
2.      How the problem of improving students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching?
3.      How to solve the problem of improving students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching?

1.3    Purpose of the study
Related to the statements of the problems, the purpose of the study is:
1.      For understanding improving students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching.
2.      To know improving students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching.
3.      To know how to solve the problem of improving students’ english achievent at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki through proyector as media of teaching.

1.4    Scope and Limitation of Study
This study was never done at SMP Islam Besuki because there is no proyector at school. The scope is to discover of improving students’ English achievement. The scope is to measure the students’s English achievement through proyector, Because of limited time and ability, the researcher only takes at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki and limited fasility (proyector) at SMP Islam Besuki, so the researcher has to bring it by itsself.

1.5    Definition of key terms
To understand the meaning of term, which used in this study and to avoid misunderstanding of the concept, so the researcher gives the defination of key terms billow:
1.         Improving
To make students’ English skill better to reach the good achievement. As G. A. Wilkes & W. A. Krebs (1988: 567) said that to make or become better in quality and to achieve a better standard or quality in comparison.
2.         English Achievement
The level of the students' mastery in learning English subject.
3.         Proyector
Proyector is media which is used to transfer the materials to students.


In this chapter discusses about the study that consist of Media Education/ learning; ralated on Defination of Media Education/learning, Kinds of Medium Education/Learning.

2.1    Media Education/learning
Teacher brings pictures, photos, slide, film, video-vcd, related the materials about. These ways will help teacher in giving explaination. Biside that teacher can economize the words and time, the teacher explaination will be easy to understand, interesting, motivating and stimulating to study, to avoid misuderstanding, and the information messages which is delivered being consistent, they are media education/learning. In order not to giving missunderstanding about, the discussion billow, will expaint more detail what media education/learning is and what kinds of media education/learning is.

2.1.1        Defination of Media Education/learning
Media learning is component of learning source or physical vehicle (wahana) which contains instructional material in students’ environment that is able to stimulate students to study as Arsyad (2009) said. But it’s viewed from word of media itselfe, has meaning “deliverer” or “transfering”, it means media as ditails is a delivering information process. If the defination as tools, media is; a thing can be seenor wachted, be listened, be read, and spoken as instrument which is applied well in teaching-learning activities, and can infleunce the instructional progam efectiveness.
The defination of media based on some resources as:
a.         Sadiman, Arief S. and at all (1986:6), give defination of media as mediator deliverer of message from the sender to the receiver.
b.         Gerlach and Ely (1971) in Arsyad (2009:3) point out that media, if it’s understood deeply, are human, material, or occuring which builds the condition to make students can gain knowladge, skill, or attitude.
c.         Briggs view (2970) in Sadiman, Arief S. and at all (1986:6), media is all of pysical tools which can give message and stimulate students to study.
d.        Media Education points out; Media education as a generic concept spans across channels of communication, there are some special challenges presented by different forms of technology. For example, reading a magazine article engages skills not required when watching television.
e.         Asnawir (2002) said that media is something that can transfer message and stimulate mind and audience’s interest in order to be able to motivate being education process, so the researcher concludes that the media learning use is important in teaching-learning process[1]
f.          Oemar Hamalik said that education media is tools, methode, and technique  which applies to make efective the communication and interaction between teacher and student in educational process and teaching in the school.
g.         Dede, Chris (1999) said that A medium is in part a channel for conveying content. With the Internet increasingly pervading society and fostering new interactive media such as shared virtual environments, educators can readily reach extensive, remote resources and audiences using on-demand and just-in-time techniques
Based on some researchers’ defination above, the researcher concludes that media education is a place of message which the deliverer or sender wants to be delivered the message to the reciever. It means, material, wants to delivered to the reciever is message of learning, and the goals, wants to be achieved is teaching-learning process.

2.1.2        Kinds of Medium Education/Learning
Media education applies for teaching-learning process. This media has kinds in education. Based on Sadiman, Arief S and at all (1986) said that kinds of medium education/learning are:
a.         Graphic Medium
Graphic Medium is visual medium. In this medium, the message will be transferred can produce as symbol forms. That’s way, the symbols which is used, need be understood as well as posible in order that in transfering material can succeed evectively and efisianly in teaching-learning process.

b.         Audio Medium
Audio medium is deffrent with graphic medium, audio medium is lelated with listenting or hearing. So the message will be transferred with listining or oral, verbal or non-verbal.
c.         Still Proyected Medium
Still proyected medium has a bit of similarity with graphic medium, it means that in giving visual stimulation. The deffrences find in interaction forms.
From three kinds of medium education above, they are; auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic. On the other hand, Gearlach and Ally in Shalahudin (1986:46-47) classify kinds of media education as:
a.         The tools: related on the catagories; human, happening, object or things.
b.         Verbal presentation: related on the catagories; medium image, statement which proyected by slide, filmstrip, transparence, calkboard, mass media and at all.
c.         Graphical presantation: related on the catagories; chart, graphical, map, diagram, picture for stimulating communication, capabilities or skills.
d.        Still picture: related on the catagories; some picture object that presented by books, film, slide and at all.
e.         Motion picture: kinds of medium which found by taking picture result of thing or happen as real as posible, or taking animation film
f.          Audio recorder: media form which apply with verbal or oral, it’s funtion for clasical, group or pairs, or individuality.
g.         Toutoring program: related on the catagories; verbal information, visual, or audio for stimulating students’ respond.
h.         Simulation: imatating the situation for approuching the real situation. The simulation also can be applied by simulation game
Medium education is not limited only in audio, visual, audio-visual, but the condition of individual learner and attitude olso, so medium education can classify, as:
a.         Tools which focused on reading or using symbol and visual.
b.         Audio-visual tools, such as:
1.        Proyected medium (overhead projector, slide, film, and LCD).
2.        Non-proyected medium (blackboard, poster, templet, cartoon, comic, diagram, picture, and at all)
3.        Three demention one is imitation, map, globe, dol, school musium, and at all.
c.         Medium applied for technique; slide, film, recorder film, radio, televition, vidio, VCD, electro lap, otomotive class, intercommunication system, computer, and enternet.
d.        Documentation.
e.         Attitude samples: teaching attitude, it means that teacher gives attitude sample, for instance, giving sample by using the body movement.
From the explaination of media above, it tells that medium educatin has many kinds of medium in teaching-learning process. The researcher just focused on visual medium, such as; LKS dan audio-visual which can be proyected by projector, because this media would be used when the reseacher got practice and education training.
A.       LKS media (students work sheet)
LKS or student work sheet is a book for exercise that has to be done by students. The activity fills instruction to do and to finish students’ work. The LKS can be applied for all materials. The students’ works will not be able to be done by the students well, if it is not added by other book, or other reference related on the material that can helap Abdul Majid ( 2008:177).
In teaching-learning process, LKS is often used as students’ book work which is consist os:
1.         Simple material
Sample material means the material can be understood by students, consist of simple words, simple explaination that makes students understand.
2.         Exercise
Exercise forms which made for students, consist of:
a)         Subjective exercise.
Chabib thoha 1994 said that Subjective exercise also called explaining which gives chance to students to choose freely dan deside the answers. The thruth caused various answer dates.
b)        Objective exercise.
In this type, exercise which is given with alternative answers to the students in order that students can choose one of alternative answers available. From the answer selection, just one the real answer or right one, others are wrong.
B.       LCD proyector media
LCD proyector is one of electronic, the efesienly optic sytem has lighting that can light the room, so it can proyect writing, picture, writing or picture can be lightened the picture well, . Hujair AH, Sanaky  (2009:188) said.
To apply the proyector LCD, need computer. Desain information program uses computer program with power point program or slide. Learning by using proyector LSD will give chance to the learners to get autentic material subject and interact.
Using proyector LCD with helping computer of microsoft power point program, a teacher can design many program learning with material, methode, study porpuse want to achieve, the program which designed by applying microsoft power point, such as; take the text, picture, audio in, and make interesting appearance.
The interesting appearance will encourage students’ willing and students’ mutivation to study in microsoft power point program which giving interesting background in order not bored to watch. There are many kinds of backround can be selected: giving color, giving textur, and giving picture
Barbara Gross Davis (2009 : 443) said that several types of projectors available for classroom use:
a.        Overhead transparency projectors cast onto a screen the text or image that appears on a transparent plastic sheet. Tabletop overhead projectors are easy to operate and can be used in well - lighted or partially darkened rooms. Speakers can prepare transparencies in advance or write on a blank transparency during their presentation.
b.        Digital document cameras project onto a large screen both two – dimensional objects (including detailed drawings, photographs, and newspaper articles) and three  - dimensional objects (such as a live experiment in real time with vials of fruit fl ies). In effect, the document camera is an overhead projector that has the capabilities of a scanner, microscope, and computer; for example, it can zoom, freeze - frame, and display an object from different angles.
c.        LCD (liquid crystal display) proyectors and DLP (digital light processing) proyectors are hooked up to a computer and display video, data, and text fi  les onto a screen or other fl  at surface.  
In the classroom, all three types of proyectors have advantages over chalk-boards and whiteboards (O’ Hare, 1993):
a.        Instructors can easily prepare good - looking transparencies and digital images using commercial software, and they can reuse these materials as desired.
b.        Instructors can write on transparencies or use the computer while facing their students.
c.        Projected images are clearer and easier to view than images on chalkboards.
d.       The projector can be dimmed or turned off during the presentation to focus students ’  attention on the instructor or on other materials.  

The powerless of proyector LCD, are:
a.        Exspensive tools for teaching
b.        Need hardware, that’s computer, LCD for proyecting the message.
c.        Need preparation as well as posible in using complex anamation.
d.       Need special ability dan systematic to apply it.
e.        Need special ability to transfere message or good ideas to microsoft power point program design, Hujai AH Sanaky (2009:140) said.

[1] Asnawir. 2002


In this chapter, the researcher discussed about: (1) research design, (2) Setting and Subject of the Study, (3) Research Procedure including the steps of the real action research such as (planning, implementation, observation, and reflection).

3.1              Research Design
This research is aimed to develop strategy of the proyector as media education/learning to motivate students’ study to improve their english achivement at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki. The research design employed for this research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). According to Latief (2003:104) in Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati Classroom Action Research for English subject is to develop a strategy or English learning technique in the learning and teaching process in order to solve the problems that the teachers and students get in the classroom.Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati (2009: 13) said that Classroom Action Research is how the teachers can organize the condition of practice of their learning, and learn from their experiance theirselve. They can tray a idea of repairing in their learing practice, and watch the real influence of it[1]s. In this research the researcher will involve in the action teaching and learning process, collecting and analyzing data, also making a conclusion and report. The result of this research is the description of the process in teaching English subject to the students by the proyector as media education/learning to improve their achivement at 2nd grade of SMP Islam Besuki However if the result of the research fails, the researcher has to revise the plan of the action.
The following is the class room action research procedure used which is adapted from Kemmis and Taggart ( in Hopkin, 1985:34).

3.2              Setting and Subject of The Study
This research will be conducted at 2nd grade of SMP islam besuki.. There are four classes. The second students are selected since based on a few reasons:
1.    Most of them were having difficulties in learning English.
2.    Students were inactive in class.
3.    Most of students were low motivated in learning English.

3.3              Research Procedure
In this section, the researcher explains the research procedures start from research preparation (including preliminary study and deciding criteria of success) and research implementation which including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.

3.3.1        Research Preparation
The researcher will conduct an observation to find the problem in the classroom. The steps are; preliminary study and deciding criteria of success.     Preliminary study
The researcher will do this preliminary study to know what the problems are exactly found on the teaching English  process in the classroom. Based on a glance observation conducted by researcher, students have difficulties to comprehend the english material gave by lecturer, because they lack in vocabulary. It makes students get bored, they were not enthusiasm to read, and they were inactive. Therefore, they were less motivated on the learning and teaching process. This condition influenced to their score. But to make these data is valid; the researcher needs to do a comprehensive preliminary study about it.     Criteria of success
Indicator of success here is a sign to determine that the use of pictures has already succeeded in solving the handicaps  2nd grade of SMP islam besuki.  There are four indicators of success in this strategy during the teaching and learning process. (See appendix 1)
1.         80 % students are able to improve their English with score ≥70
2.         Students briefly show their opinion to other students.
3.         Students are not confused in English
4.         Students enjoy the teaching and learning process.

3.3.2        Research Implementation
After the problems found, the researcher will implement proyector as media to improve students achievement. The researcher will ask another researcher to help this process as collaborator. This action will be conducted in cycles. The steps applied in cycle are 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) observation, and 4) reflection.  Planning
The researcher will prepare everything needed for applying the action. 1) Preparing teaching procedure and 2) designing lesson plan.     Preparing teaching procedure
Briefly, the technique involves a cooperative form of debate in which groups of four, divided into twosomes, take turns representing two opposing views on an issue before attempting to reach a consensus on the issue. The complete procedure of this technique is as the following.
1).  Students cannot have a useful debate unless they know something about the topic. To provide this background information, the teacher can lecture on the issue, facilitate class discussion, and provide students with material to read about the topic, encourage them to do their own research, and so on. The process of  teaching  english is done in this step. Time limit should be considered.
2).  Students form groups of four, and each foursome is divided into pairs. Each pair in a foursome is assigned one position, as positive side or as negative side. The role of each position is to debate about the text they read, they watch. Using the teacher’s lecture, ideas from others, English materials, their own research, etc., each pair prepares to present their assigned position to the other pair in their foursome.
3).  The pairs present their assigned positions on the controversy. Each member of the pair should participate equally in the presentation. When one pair is presenting, the other pair should take notes and remain silent, except to ask questions about something they did not understand. Any objections should wait until the next step.
4).  After the presentations, students debate back and forth, trying to convince the other pair that their assigned view is the correct one.
5).  After they debate for a several minutes, each person presents their own opinion on the issue. The group tries to reach a consensus on the issue, although it is not necessary that they actually do achieve consensus. In this step students will achieve a consensus about the text they read, they watch, and debate.     Designing Lesson Plan
The researcher will make a lesson plan for each meeting in order to make the teaching and learning process can be performed effectively and efficiently. The main components in the lesson plan should cover the objectives of the teaching and learning process, materials, techniques of teaching, the steps of the classroom activities, learning sources, assessment and score rubric.  Implementation
In this case, implementation is the action of planning, (Latief, 2003:107). The goal of this action is improve the students’ English performance using cooperative technique. In this activity the researcher will ask another researcher to help this process as a collaborator.  Observation
Latief( 2003) in Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati said that observation is an activity of collecting data related to the events in the teaching and learning process and also problem solving and developing learning strategy. This activity is done by the observer and collaborator. The observation is conducted when the action is happening in the classroom. All the information will be collected by using observation sheet, field notes, questionnaire and test of english skill.     Observation Checklist
This instrument will be used during the learning process. The aim of this instrument is to know the development of students during the teaching and learning process. This instrument is filled by the collaborator which is always join to the class while the teaching and learning process.     Field notes
“Note is information about a performance” (Oxford, 2000:902). In this research, the researcher will take note regularly while teaching students. A Field note is used to know the progress and record activities, or events in the teaching and learning process.     Questionnaire Sheet
The questionnaire will be used to collect data from the students. This consists of questions related to the technique which is implemented. The questionnaire is given to the students to get their response related to the technique used.     Test of english skill
The researcher will give test of english skill to the students to get students’ score or to measure the students’ achievement in mastering  the material. There are five questions which asked about main idea, implicit, and explicit information, and several events of the story, and movie.
The questions will be used to assess the students’ watching, listening reading are open-ended questions for each meeting and multiple choice questions for post test which is made by the researcher.  Reflection
In this part, the term reflection is related to reflect and evaluate whether the implementation of the strategy in this research is successful or not based on the observation. If it is not, it continues to the next cycle. The result of the analysis is consulted with the criteria of success. Meanwhile, the weakness in the first cycle is improved to the next cycle. This cycle is stopped when the criteria of success are fulfilled.



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